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Health & Healing Consultation
Let's Chat, Book your Consult with Melia!

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HOW THIS WORKS: Once you pay, fill out the contact form, and agree to terms & conditions... a link will be provided to book an appointment with Melia. (I'm EST).

Grab Melia's Health & Healing Consultation is to help you and get "unstuck" so you can move forward in your healing, health, and relationship setbacks. Melia's prophetic edge will help you navigate through the stumbling blocks & barriers you are NOT seeing but defiantly feeling in your life, so you get be SET FREE!


This private consult is to ask questions, meet Melia, and see if we are a good fit for Chrisitan Counseling & Coaching or Prophetic Mentoring, and discuss next steps towards your healing journey!

NOTE: (These options are NOT a Christian Counseling & Coaching session; please revert to Option #2 on my service page). 

Blessings xo-

Desire a closer relationship with JESUS?

Get a signed copy: Vertical Relationship: 4 Steps to Salvation & Getting Right with God + BIBLE STUDY!


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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Our results are not typical. We make no claim to heal your personal, professional, or business needs. Terms and conditions apply. Copyright 2020-2023


"Speaking the TRUTH! "I absolutely love you, Melia!!! You are speaking truth that needs to be heard! Thank you for your honesty and transparency! I look forward to leaning into what the Lord is saying!" -Michelle C.

"WOW, Melia is such a gem! I didn’t even know I needed this; I can’t get enough! My spirit has been refilled and I feel so inspired, uplifted and motivated to create great relationships in my life! Thank you for leading from your heart and sharing your gift with us!" -Tiffany W.

"Grow & Transform! If you want to grow in the Word and transform your relationship with Christ, this girl is for you, Melia is a such a shining light in a challenging world!" - Dr.GeGe Jasmin

Only 0 remaining!

  • Total payment
  • 1xHealth & Healing Consultation$100

All prices in USD

 More Testimonial Love

"Amazing... Melia's gifts are undeniably encouraging, her heart is wide open, and she is answering the Master's call! Keep up the great work and continue being an example to women like me!" -Stacy S.

"Immediately Encouraged! As a single woman in my 20s, it’s really easy to give in to fear and loneliness. I love that Melia speaks directly to overcoming these issues with honesty and encouragement!" -Estelle A.

"Thank You Melia, thank you for being authentic. Thank you for sharing not only where you are now, but where you have been. Thank you for challenging me. Thank you for humbly sharing your successes, along with your mistakes, while continuously turning it all back to the most important thing… our VERTICAL RELATIONSHIP with our Creator!" -Paige B.
